December 2013

Manitou Incline Needs You!

Buck Up For the Incline

Between July 20 and December 28, 2013, hikers have made 114,619 trips up the Manitou Incline according to the Incline Counter. With years of neglect, lot of use and the heavy rains this summer and fall, the Incline needs a lot of work to stabilize it.

The plan for stabilizing the Incline calls for preserving the character of the Incline. That increases the cost of the work. $550,000 is needed to more forwarded with the needed work.

The good news is that Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) which disburses funds from state lottery proceeds awarded a generous grant that will help in restoring and stabilizing the Incline. The grant is in the amount of $350,000. That leaves another $200,000 that needs to be raised.

The next couple days is the best time to make a donation to help with Manitou Incline restoration. At the end of each year Indy Give! helps several local non-profits raise money. This year the Incline Friends was selected as one of the non-profits.

Until the end of the year, your donation through the Give! will unlock matching money. Donations of $100 or more will receive a sweet pair of socks with the Incline Friends logo AND you’ll be entered into a drawing to win a FREE parking spot for an entire year, courtesy of the Iron Springs Chateau. You also can receive cool rewards for donating through Indy Give!

There are also Give! competitions between the non-profits that could earn Incline Friends extra funds. The Give! covers all processing fees so 100% of donations go directly to Incline Friends and the other non-profits.

You love the Manitou Incline so donate now and make your donation go farther.

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Winter Morning on the Incline

Manitou Incline Sunrise

I hiked up the Incline yesterday morning, December 22, 2013, early to catch sunrise from the top. About an inch of snow had fallen overnight and there were still clouds off to the east. It was a beautiful morning to be on the Incline! Below are photos from the hike.

I could tell there was ice under the fresh snow in the shaded area a little above the old no trespassing sign and also above the false summit. I had heard it was mostly melted off on Saturday but I always recommend taking traction devices this time of year. If you don’t have any, check out Yaktrax, Kahtoola Microspikes or DIY screw shoes.

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Christmas Ornaments for Tree at Top

Christmas Tree at Top of Manitou Incline

If you haven’t seen it, there’s a tree at the top of the Manitou Incline that people decorate for Christmas. It’s a nice tradition that has grown over the last few years.

This weekend (December 14 and 15), the Incline Friends will help you add to the decorations on the tree. The Incline Friends will be at the bottom in the mornings before noon. If you donate, they will give you an ornament that you can take to the top and put on the tree. You’ll be able to write your name and time on it.

Their email said that they’d be at the bottom of the Incline. A couple weeks ago they had their table over at the Barr Parking lot so if you don’t see them at the actual bottom, check in the Barr Parking lot.

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Cold, Snowy and Beautiful on the Incline

Manitou Incline Sunrise December 8, 2013
Manitou Incline Sunrise December 8, 2013 by Reece Hein

With the sub-zero temperatures the last few days, few people have been hiking the Incline. No weather though stops everyone. Guys like Roger Austin who made his 637th trip of the year up and Joe Monger who hit #500 for the year the day after Thanksgiving don’t let much stop them from being on the Incline.

The adverse winter conditions can create some of the most beautiful scenes of the year. Thanks to Reece Hein for permission to share the photo above. Thanks also to Roger Austin for the photos below including the tree at the top that is looking great with all the Christmas ornaments.

It’s definitely not safe to be doing the Incline in these conditions without traction devices. If you don’t have any, check out Yaktrax, Kahtoola Microspikes, Stabilicers Lite or DIY screw shoes.

Christmas Tree at Top of Incline
Christmas Tree at Top of Incline from Roger Austin.
Snowy Incline on December 7, 2013
Snowy Incline on December 7, 2013 by Roger Austin
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